Tuesday, February 16, 2010

US Census Commercial

Got to spend a few weeks last month working with Bryce and the guys and gals over at Digital Kitchen on a spot for the 2010 US Censcus. The stop-animation was colored both digitally and by hand to give it a more realistic feeling. But that meant prepping, priming and painting about a hundred individual panels at a Bushwick studio space. (I was conveniently indisposed during the spray-fixing and mounting.) A really fun time.

It was also a chance to hang out with fellow SVA alumn and old studio buddy Soo Jin.

Census "Living Mural" Case Study DK from Bryce Wymer on Vimeo.

And after all that work - here is the final spot.

Census "Living Mural" DK from Bryce Wymer on Vimeo.

1 comment:

.: theory :. said...

thats cool. You did all that?

shut up.